What was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that’s ever happened to you?

Back when I was a kid I used to sleep with my mom sometimes. She had her own bathroom and she kept it open and you were able to see the mirror clearly. It was a head level mirror so you’d only be able to see the chest and head. Anyway, I woke up in the morning to where the sun sort of lit up the room but not fully. I randomly looked across the room towards the mirror and something caught my eye. I looked closer and seen this curly halfway down the back lock of hair on the mirror and nothing was in front of it. I immediately got scared and hid behind my mom and somehow fell back to sleep. It reminded me of the ring or something, i feel it was watching me and i see the back of its head. It really gave me nightmares.

The house we lived in was haunted for sure because my family all had some sort of paranormal experience in it. One time, my mom was in the basement doing the laundry and she heard trash bags rustling as if someone was running up the stairs with them so she called my dad thinking it was him but nobody was there. One half of the basement didn’t have its lights on and she looked towards a corner of the dark side of basement she seen a lady who was dressed in tattered early 1900’s clothing. She told me she ran as fast as she can out of there.

/r/AskReddit Thread