What is the creepiest NSFW thing you have experienced?

I'm sure this will get buried, but here we go...

I used to live on the edge of a giant park on the NW side of Chicago called Humboldt Park.

One night there was a massive thunderstorm that knocked out all the power in our area. One of the worst storms I'd seen in awhile.

Anyhow, there was a lull in the rain, so I decided to walk up the street to see how far north the power was out.

The storm was pretty ferocious, so the streets were completely empty. There wasn't a single person around. Normally I wouldn't walk through the park late at night, but there was no one around so I cut through.

When I got closer to the north-side of the park, I was suddenly aware of another person in my peripheral, approaching from the right.

I swung around so I could make eye contact, and the guy immediately put his arms up to signal he wasn't a threat.

We made small talk for a minute about the storm, and then he asked me if I knew "where the party was". I told him about a bar a few blocks up, but he repeated himself and asked me if I liked to party too. At this point, I was a little confused, so I just dismissed him and started to turn away.

That's when he whipped out his dick.

He started jerking off in front of me and asking if I'd blow him. That's when I started running away back to my house.

It was the strangest thing. No one around in sight, in the dead of night, during a lull in a massive storm, and here's this guy trying to proposition me in the middle of the park. Still have nightmares about that dude.

/r/AskReddit Thread