What is the creepiest thing you experienced while in bed?

I was on a solo road trip up the Blue Ridge Parkway with no cell service and a bit lost so I pulled over and asked 2 bikers for directions. They were going the same way and said they'd lead me to where I was going. When we got there we stopped and had a beer. They were on their way to a spiritual retreat and our conversation was odd but I'm open minded so I enjoyed it. One of them gave me his name and told me to look him up, and was staring at me like everything in his life up to that point had led him to meeting me (seriously, it was super weird).

That night I stayed in a room hanging off the cliff overlooking the mountains. Door was dead bolted. I woke up in the middle of the night completely paralyzed with both men in the room. And dreamt the two guys I'd met earlier were raping me. It's hard to describe but this was incredibly real and the sleep paralysis made it even more terrifying. I know this sounds crazy but I actually wondered if they astrally projected themselves into my room during their spiritual retreat. :O

/r/AskReddit Thread