What do you disagree with but respect?

Since when has the right wing been interested in "fiscal conservatism?" That's just a dog-whistle for "shred social safety net to fuck over people we don't like" when it comes to the GOP.

Look at Medicare Part-D. One, it's a "gubermint takeover of healthcare," Two, completely unfunded from the get-go and Three it was a huge giveaway to the elderly white pearl clutchin' voting bloc that shows up and pulls the "R" lever every time because reading is hard.

Exhibit B: The Iraq War.

Exhibit C: The ongoing privatization of anything the right can find to privatize. Privatization is strictly for the purpose of lining wealthy Republican donor pockets with taxpayer money.

There's no attempt at balance, the right has no respect for anything (much less themselves) and all you'll hear from that ever-shrinking section of the electorate is mindless screaming and dog-whistle statements like "fiscal conservatism!" and "personal responsibility!"

You don't have to respect these people. Believe me, they don't respect you or your values.

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