What does your bedtime routine look like for your 5 month old? How is sleep?

So, my son is 11 days younger than yours and he just started this crap. Commiseration, my friend. Right now:

naps: 3-4 naps a day, 30-40 minutes long, can only stay awake 1.5ish hours or its whinetown. Last nap of the day usually ends around 7:30-8. Naps suck, never goes down without a fight.

Bedtime is 10. This works for us so I'm not moving it. Our routine is very short and sweet, around 9:30 we go upstairs, turn the lights down and have a very dim lamp on (so I stay awake lol), turn on the AC and white noise machine. He gets a nighttime diaper and we put the zipadeezip on. I nurse him to sleep and he goes in the pack n play in our room. I usually bring him in bed when the sun rises or he has trouble staying asleep.

And lately he wakes up every 1-2 hours. I swear a lot. Get angry. Wake my husband up who looks at me like I'm a monster for swearing. Last night I brought him to bed earlier thinking it would help. Nope, just meant I had a screeching baby in my face every hour instead of across the room. I don't mind nursing him to sleep really, it's a lot faster and easier, but if he could stay asleep longer than an hour that'd be great. He nurses every 2 hours all day so I know he gets enough to eat during the day and at night he's just comfort nursing for a couple minutes except around 3am which is when he was waking to eat before all this nonsense.

There's a lot of whining around here lately too. He isn't sick, no ear infection. He just started going several days between poops so I think maybe he's gassy. Or teething. Or I don't know what else it could be. The whine grates on the short nerve I have left. I feel like the meanest most awful mommy. Blah.

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