What does your family still not know about you?

They don't know (or want to recognize?) that I am massively depressed. It has gotten to the point where I would qualify myself as suicidal considering I spend a fair amount of time pondering suicide. I also feel like I am a definite candidate for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, but again, they do not know, or choose not to recognize it.

I also feel like I may be somewhere on the autism spectrum and a candidate for some type of bipolar and attention deficit disorders.

Another thing my family does not know about me is that I have a massive fetish porn addiction that I have spent thousands of dollars on pursuing. I am currently 22 and I've been blowing through money as a result of this since I was 18.

I'd say those are the main things. I don't speak to my parents at all for the most part even though I live with them. They really know absolutely nothing about me. That point became quite clear recently as my mother got me a cake of a pool table for my birthday. Pool is something I rarely play and I happened to play a few games at our pool table out of sheer boredom. It's funny how they take these very small aspects of my life and magnify them because that's all they have to cling on to. I share nothing with them for the most part.

Now to have this buried in a sea of replies and wonder why I even bothered in the first place.

/r/AskReddit Thread