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What even is this “moral dilemma”???

What even is this “moral dilemma”???

I'm ethnically Korean, and I think it's usually half-Asians/Asian-Americans who get annoyed with cultural appropriation because we had to deal with more overt racism from a young age. Asians in Asia (where they're the majority) generally don't seemed bothered because they weren't bullied for being Asian.

It's not something I get emotional about, but I recognize why other people do get angry over it. It is kinda interesting to grow up being told my food is disgusting/having the chink eyes made at me and now kpop/BTS is in my local Barnes & Nobles. But more than that people with yellow fever/Asian fetishes creep me out. Like I literally had someone on a dating app ask if I was Japanese, and when I told him I was Korean he said, "That's close enough." Ew, no. Blocked.

I also think people are just weird about cultural appropriation. Either they vehemently deny it exists at all, or they're so sensitive about it they call any kind of cultural exchange appropriation.

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