What to Expect From Overwatch Competitive Play Game Mode

The information in the video isn't correct from the last information we heard from Jeff about competitive.


So what exactly can we expect from the competitive play? Will it compare to what we saw in the beta?

Jeff Kaplan: We were pretty pleased with the beta system in a lot of ways, but it was a little bit frustrating to us because it was unfinished. A lot of the feedback we got was just about what was there and it seemed to ignore the parts we mentioned that were also coming.

But we got enough sentiment from the competitive community that we realised that we needed to make some changes. First and foremost, the system that we had implemented was what we like to call 'progression-based'. We thought there was a lot of coolness to doing this kind of system and that's why we had the one month reset, because it feels good to go through the progression more than one time.

What was not implemented, was what we called our 'heroic rank', where it would show a stack ranking of top players who hit that rank. There was a misunderstanding among our playerbase that everyone was going to get to heroic rank, which is not true, just like it's not true that everybody will get to legendary in Hearthstone.

The perception of our system was off. So the new system, when we unveil it, I think you'll see that it's much more skill-based. Another thing that there was a lot of complaints about was the time for the season. The playerbase at large felt that if they'd gotten to a certain place in a competitive system, they wanted to enjoy time at that place before it got reset. So when we unveil the new system, we're going to have longer seasons - most likely, the seasons will be about three months and they will match the real-world seasons. They'll probably actually last about two and a half months and then we'll do like a week or two off. We're hoping that this speaks to the competitive community and addresses what their concerns were. There's obviously way more details than that, but we're not fully ready to unveil the system as a whole, but I think those were the things that people were most concerned about.

Could you clarify the difference between a progression-based system and a skill-based system? From my perspective, as the player, how does the game convey that to me?

Jeff Kaplan: The way our system worked before, we had different tiers with challenger, advanced, expert, master and heroic. Within the whole system, you could never drop from a tier. So even if you got to master, you would never drop out of that tier, no matter how much you lost. In the player's opinion, that meant that everybody was going to end up, eventually, in the same place.

In our new system, there's no safety net. If you lose, you're going to go down, if you win, you're going to go up.

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread Link - youtu.be