What experience changed your perspective on life?

It started when I was 16 years old. I am a small 4'11" lady and I was hit by a Ford F350 when I was crossing a street. I woke up 10 days later hooked up to IVs and tubes. I had gone through 3 surgeries, a coma, and I couldn't walk as I had broken my hip amongst a laundry list of more injuries. They couldn't tell my family for over a week if i would leave the hospital with them. I ended up recovering after a long two years of rehab and today you would never be able to tell. That started my journey of looking at life differiently. Life is so precious and it is much to short to spend it unhappy! So then fast forward a few years later and I was dating an alcoholic. Once I got him out of my life, my perspective continued to change as life was too short to spend my time unhappy in a relationship. Then fast forward a few MORE years and my best friend in the world was in a drunk driving accident that nearly killed her. Today I do not drink as I feel that life is too precious to spend drinking and unhappy. Alcohol ruined my relationship and almost killed my best friend.

/r/AskReddit Thread