What 'family secret' did you learn that totally shocked you?

Had to make a throw away for this one. I've only just learned about this recently from my mom. My uncle is one of the funniest dudes I know. He's been a prankster all his life and is very light hearted long story short he is a very good funny guy. My uncle and mom also have a good relationship he treats her like his own daughter. He's my grandmother's brother and they are from a third world country which is predominantly Catholic, so society is a little different compared to where we live (US). My grandma had my mom when she was 15 in the 60's in her very rural conservative town were everyone knew everyone. At first she didn't know what to do but decided to keep the baby (my mom) which pissed off a lot of people. One of those people was my piece of shit great grandpa. My great grandma had separated from him years ago before because he was a very evil man. He would constantly beat her and one day she had enough and separated from him.

Eventually she found another man who became the stepfather to my grandma and her siblings which they adored. Everybody who I have met which knew him have spoken very fondly of him. Anyways my uncle idolized my great grandpa the evil one I guess because he was his original dad. My great grandpa manipulated my uncle to the point were he ordered my uncle to kill my grandma to prevent bringing dishonor onto the family. Which made no sense since he was no longer part of the family, I guess he was batshit crazy too, but since my uncle idolized him he agreed to his request. My step great grandpa caught wind of this and actually stopped my uncle on his way to commit the deed. My step great grandpa told my uncle he knew what he was about to do and told him that if he took one more step forward he would kill him on the spot. I don't know much what happened after that but eventually my family talked to my uncle and made him realize how evil his dad truly was. After that event my uncle broke ties with his father and finally came to his senses. Its crazy to think the loveable goofy uncle who I grew up with could of prevented me from coming into this world. I don't hold anger against to this day I love him very dearly the one I'll never forgive is my piece of shit great grandpa who manipulated my uncle, if there is a hell I hope he's rotting in it.

BTW sorry I'm on mobile so sorry for the format I hope some of you guys read this cause I was shocked when I first read this and haven't told anyone and also one last thing I learned this story from my mom.

/r/AskReddit Thread