What fan theory will always be canon to you?


The war is on. Palpatine has dissolved the Senate and appointed himself emperor of the galaxy. On his side he has got an army of clones turned to the dark side and is also recruiting soldiers to an army of storm troopers.

The jedi knights and the remains of the clone army are fighting for those planets that refuses to be part of the Empire and are also trying to convince those who hasn't decided.

Anakin is becoming more and more corrupted by the dark side and the only thing that keeps him human is the love for the slave girl, who is now pregnant. She is trying to convince him his ways are wrong and begs him to make up with OB-1. After a fight he hits her and she runs away. She is able to contact OB-1 through some spies she knows and asks for his help to get away from Anakin. OB-1 takes off to save her from the space station she is staying at.

But Anakin has been using the girl to find the rebels and now knows their hideout place. He tells the emperor, who sends his clone army towards the rebel head quarter.

At the space station Anakin awaits OB-1 and an epic sword fight starts. Meanwhile the two clone armys fight each other on the planet of the rebels. But the emperor fears all clones and has decided to wipe them all out by stearing an astroid to the battle zone. He succeds and all clones and almost all jedi masters are being killed. OB-1 strikes Anakin down and almost kills him befors saving the girl and leaving the station.

We see them later on a space cruiser with the twins born. The king of Alderaan is there, promising to adopt the kids and take care of the girl. OB-1 tells them they should split the kids up, and says he will take the boy to Anakins old family on Tatooine. The girl breaks up, screaming that Anakin will find him there. OB-1 says nothing. The girl realizes what is going on, and accuses OB-1 of using the boy as bait. OB-1 tells her the boy will come to no harm, he will be there to guard him. The break up is heart breaking, but OB-1 leaves for Alderaan where he leaves the boy with the Skywalkers.

Last scene: We see a dark room where robots are assembling what appears to be a robot. The emperor walks in and tells them to wake him up. A switch is flipped and heavy breathing is starting

Emperor: Rise, Lord Vader.

We see the mask of Darth Vader rising from the board.

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