What do you feel like you're missing out on?


And friends / social life during my childhood. I was almost isolated (because of bullying), only having a handful of extremely impersonal friends that i didnt really think wanted me around, and due to it i just recently realized i have to give concious effort to opening myself up to my "friends", even though I don't share anything with these friends except for interests, and also found out (through forcing myself to talk about my struggles with someone i trust, after getting close to fucking up my first relationship due to me getting too attached because i didn't have anybody else) that i don't share anything about myself, nobody knows me i just show interest in others but dont tell anything about me. So nobody knows me, and I bottle up everything. The one i talked to told me that she's seen clearly that i bottle up everything, i hide my feelings a lot and I'm locked up inside myself.

/r/AskReddit Thread