Female nature is necessary for male excellence.

After reading your post I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're agnostic, or at the very least an atheist. In other words you perceive the world around you "objectively".

All good if you do, the point is your a realist. You have a clear understand of the way the game is suppose to be played, problem is the rules have changed. Question now is what do you do?

Here is exactly what you do, you empower yourself, how is simple. Rather then looking at the world objectively, instead, look at yourself objectively. Doing so will give you a whole new perspective, lets call this new perspective, retrospective.

Think of situations in the past that are a source of anxiety and stress. Perceive those experiences without bias and try to put yourself in the other persons shoes. See yourself as they'd see you. Don't be afraid to criticize yourself, it's part of the process. Understanding where you went wrong and learning from it is crucial. Through the process of self improvement we gradually learn to love ourselves again, and most importantly forgive.

Any way the point is if you are unable to love yourself unconditionally then it is impossible to reciprocate those feelings outward. Basically if you do not love yourself then you cannot love someone else. As far as loving someone else is concerned that is a whole other ballgame and another discussion for another day.

When it's all said and done the idea is to figure out where you fit into the big picture. It's like a road map, once you have that map you'll have a much better understanding of where it is you're going.

Oh an one other thing, as far as the rules of the game are concerned, there are no rules. Feminists threw that one out the window to hell in a hand basket, it's more a less a free for all now, enjoy.

TL;DR : Just be happy being you and know your worth.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent