Here's what fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them

No, it's just small changes that became your regular habit quickly when you're shopping at the market. Yeah, she lists all the research in her book. She spent ten years gathering the scientific research before she wrote the book. It's not some hippie new age book... I stay far away from those (my father was a scientist). It's not tedious at all. Let me give you an example... iceberg lettuce vs. Kale... it's so easy to look up the nutrient content of each... one is WAY better for you simply because one is extremely nutrient dense and the other is mostly water and crunchiness. So you just stop buying iceberg lettuce and start buying Kale instead. Now you're making salads and burgers with a replacement that is far better for you. It's easy! Do I feel it's extending my life? Well, nothing is certain, as disease can be a crapshoot in life, but I think I am certainly hedging my bets toward a healthier and longer life. That's what it's all about... increasing the odds of happiness and health in life. You do what you can. Also, by buying these foods you are increasing the demand for them, which helps make them more available to others and increase their use and awareness. PLEASE get this book.... and then get obsessed with it. Don't just read it and shelve it. Read it over and over and make a list of the changes you want to make. Then make those changes habit for life. Surely nutritional science will make improvements in the future and some of this book might be dated in time, but for right now, and those you love... embrace its findings. YES, it's far healthier to switch. You'll see why in the book (there are charts showing you how much healthier it is). Sorry for the long answer. : )

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