What fucked up thing did you do as a kid?

I almost murdered my brother when I was about 12.

My memory is somewhat faded, but I remember that my brother and I got into a huge argument over something. For context, my family was pretty poor and the restaurant business wasn't doing so great, so my childhood growing up was somewhat bleak and bullying was commonplace. My brother and I got into some yelling contest that escalated pretty quickly (probably over video games because I had a gaming addiction at the time). I decided to grab two (butcher?) knives in the kitchen and attempted to kill my brother over whatever he said that pissed me off. My mother was thankfully in the way to stop me, or I would have went at it. It's part of the reason I stopped playing video games or any game really because it scared me to think that I can hurt someone over something imaginary.

My brother and I are on good terms now. I sometimes wonder even today if I'm a psychopath in hiding and how different my life would have been if I killed him. I've honestly never shared this story to anyone and I'm crying just thinking about the moment.

/r/AskReddit Thread