What is going on in /r/punchablefaces? They keep posting Uncle Joey (from Full House)?

We really gonna argue semantics?

No, this isn't "semantics". There's a clear difference in magnitude: the word "oppression" carries ridiculously strong connotations - evoking the imagery of the Israelites in Biblical times, the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Holocaust, Holodomor etc. There's also a clear difference in kind: people expressing bigoted beliefs is not the same thing as them directly restricting the freedoms of the people being targeted (granted, hearing such bigotry often enough can really wear a person down).

And if you think you have to be a white male to be a bigot

Where did you get that from? My argument is the exact opposite: that bigotry against white males is possible, and therefore that it's legitimate for white males to "complain of bigotry against them".

/u/femmepetite identified as an asian woman in her posts

I didn't check that far. But it doesn't change the argument. Bigotry is bigotry, regardless of who it targets, and the person complaining need not belong to the targeted group. However, I see no reason to think that the linked comment represents such a complaint.

I don't think my irony-detector is off and she's just a plant meant to discredit racists. I think she's legitimately a bigoted person, and what you perceive as someone being ironic is actually you thinking you've uncovered a conspiracy.

What the fuck. I said nothing about conspiracy or "plants". All I said was that I thought someone was being ironic, i.e. intending to express an idea other than the one resulting from a literal interpretation. The literal interpretation of the post was "these new rules are bigoted and the moderators are terrible people for implementing them". But the over-the-top rhetoric and blunt imagery of the "infographic" - not to mention the decision to include such an infographic, when it added no new information - implies an ironic interpretation: "the people complaining about the new rules are at best misguided and silly and no fun, and at worst pose a threat of some sort; but in any event they have no real power here". I did not suggest that the people she intends to discredit are "racists", but rather the people allegedly "talking about the feminist anti-white oppression they face".

My point is that you and /u/femmepetite appear to have one thing in common: you are exaggerating the complaint and trying to make it about things that it isn't actually about.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent