What happened in school that still pisses you off when you think about it today?

I had this teacher give me a 0 on my binder for a class simply because my binder had a zipper on it and she didn't like the look. It was a grade on the organization of said binder and it accounted for like 15% of my final grade. I had one of the highest grades in the class before this and I was sooo pissed. In retrospect it didn't matter, but a LOT of kids hated her and one girl even tried to petition to get her fired. What I'm trying to say is this lady knew how to piss you off. In fact, she used to be a french teacher but her pronunciation was ATROCIOUS. This really pissed off the French students because you could tell when she spoke it she was just trying to be uppity/bragadocious. She would always bust out in french in class and the other French students and I would always speak to her (with proper accents) in French until we saw her confidence dwindle and she switched to English. It was the most fun I ever had in her class.

The following isn't relevant, but it was AP English, and she had such an obnoxious way of teaching papers. She made us abide by a formula of hers on all of our essays, and it made our papers very boring to read by the end of the year. NO ONE who knew how to write used her formula on the AP exams, and we all still got 5s.

/r/AskReddit Thread