What the hell do you want from me????

No, you are underestimating her. She is married. When we started dating, I made it a point to ask point blank (numerous times) if the marriage was over because my fear was I would get attached and then months later she would decide she wanted to give her marriage another go. I was told over and over again that it was done, they were getting separated/divorced, etc.

Well, exactly what my fear was is exactly what ended up happening. However, I'm still getting texts. I am still being told "I miss you". I basically was told point blank, "I will be with you, but I am married right now and I am going to be with him too. I can't promise you that eventually that will change, but I can't say that it won't either." I, however, am not allowed to date or hook up with any other women. She gets pissed off at me if I'm even friends with my ex from four years ago on facebook. I basically get told "Hey, this is how it's going to be for right now, and if you don't like it, then just don't talk to me anymore". Well I don't like the idea of sitting at my house and having to think about her in bed with another man. It sucks and it's an extremely shitty situation, but hey, if you wanna give her the benefit of the doubt and paint her as some poor little duckling just going through the trauma of a break up, then so be it.

I thought I had moved past it, but she has recently started texting me again and telling me she misses me and that she isn't over us yet and other things of this nature, and now I feel like I'm right back where I started: Telling myself "Well, if she didnt care or didnt want to be with you, she would just move on and stop talking to you. She keeps coming back, so maybe it's meant to be. If you can just show her how much happier you can make her, eventually she will choose you" That could be true, but sometimes I feel like I am just lying to myself.

/r/UnsentLetters Thread