What keeps you guys coming back to a certain streamer ?

People have no attention span whatsoever. If they don't like what they see, they are gonna be out that door in 12 seconds. Just remember that out of every 10 viewers that come into your channel, maybe 1 stays, but your goal is to keep as many as possible. This is where the real key twitch metrics come into play. Concurrent viewers is one of the least important stats to focus on. Much more important are:

- Followers/Hour

- Unique Viewers/Hour (known as Clickthrough)

- Returning viewers

This is why it's so important for small streamers to talk to everyone and engage with everyone, it's the one thing that really sets them apart from streamers with high amount of views. People who scroll down to find you want to talk or you are just playing a very obscure game. Focusing on getting the people who come by to stay by eliminating reasons they would leave is a great start for new streamers and it gives a great red line to follow? Why would someone leave my channel? Is my microphone bad? Did anything that I did annoy them? What about my gameplay? Do I talk too little or too much? Do I talk about boring stuff? Do I not only commentate on what's going on but also give my ideas on things? As for making these people follow, a small call to action is always a good idea, but don't spam them. Trust me, anyone that you engaged with for an hour or two will be more than willing to follow your channel if you've been doing good. As for making people return, people want to feel special. Your streams should be about them, not about you. This is the ultimate thing that keeps people coming back. When others show real interest in them! Ask questions, ask their opinions, ask for tips (gameplay tips, not money tips LUL) and let them decide things (What character/faction do we play? What building should be construct? Should be use the first 20 bucks earned from subs on a cool emote or on a cool set of panels?)

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