What do you like and dislike about the show, and why?

+Positives -

The storyline is progressing into a bigger space, which only means that the world is getting bigger and better. The characters are also each of a distinct personality, and when I think of each of them, I know who they are and what they stand for. Some of the characters are so well developed that killing them off would more than likely be a curse in a way because I want to see more of them. The cinematography is outstandingly perfect to me. Season 1, 2, and 3 had good to great camera work, but Season 4 and onward had some of the most intricately crafted camera shots I've ever seen. The Dutch camera angles in Coda were just so amazingly beautiful; it was uncomfortable, and made the scene look more ominous than it needed to, plus it made the hall look smaller and more tight. After Beth kills Dawn, the camera starts leveling a little more. Then 5x09 and its slow moving camera (which highlights the dreariness along with the chalk drawing of the sun (hope), the skelenton (doom), the train tracks, the Prison, Woodbury, the visual distortions, and Judith crying, which represented Tyreese in a way since it was like he was a baby crying in this world, for he was as innocent as they came). The cinematography gives the show a huge edge to me, and I need to give the producers credit for this.

-Negatives -

There isn't always a consistency in quality in episodes. One episode will be one of the most artfully crafted work you will ever be grateful to watch with incredible writing and outstanding acting (Here's not Here). The next, you will watch a dreary and dull episode with weak writing, clunky dialouge, and sub par acting (Always Accountable). Speaking of which, the dialouge itself has become clunkier. It had more of a naturalistic human flow to it in the first 3 seasons, but became a bit stilted staring in Season 4, and for the better part of 6A, the dialouge dissolved into poorly written speeches, which is both hilarious and annoying. Some of the acting is just painfully dull and boring. I'm not harping on Team Prison here. Spencer, that girl Tina, and that other girl Sherry were the biggest offenders. Spencer's actor has the weakest lime delivery I've heard in this show, and I can't connect to him at all. Tina's actress summed up her badness with her hilarious but idiotic death. And Sherry? Terribly bland, uninteresting, and boring, with no range or any kind of actual acting (it's amazing I even remembered that boring woman's name). Also, some of the deaths are abit...clunky (Beth).

/r/thewalkingdead Thread