What It's Like To Live as An Ugly Girl

I won that lottery, I'm a girl and was bullied most of my middle school and high school, but bullied hard... Physically many times, in front of teachers that did nothing, spit on almost daily basis my things stolen, rumors, total boycot from everyone few times, even boys hit me sometimes and I got into physical fights with girls too and the boys. when I decided to stand up for myself I turned into a different girl after all of this, full of anger no empathy anymore just hate. I changed schools a couple times and sometimes I was the bully later on .. Literally they changed me. When you do it to other people they stop doing to you. I became a horrible person just didn't care about anything or anyone anymore. Eventually I changes schools to a school where I was shocked everyone liked me for me.. I slowly healed and became softer, nicer, I cared again I helped people and stood up for others being bullied and no one messed with me. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger I just stopped taking shit from people and they knew it so they didn't even try anything with me anymore. I won't lie inside it still fucked me up for a while to my adult life but time heals most wounds after a while. I've been through hell and some pretty heavy bullying hard core. I also didn't grow up in America so it was a different experience. I got older everyone kept saying how beautiful I was but I never believed it. Sometimes still don't and to this day I feel uncomfortable when I get compliments from people I even "ugly" myself down so people stop staring or hitting on me and girls stop hating. It's fucked up I know I hope I don't come off as a vain by saying that. There, off my chest! No one knows what I went through everyone thinks I had it easy all my life because of my looks, I'm 26 now and doing better. No matter what you look like it gets better and people will appreciate you for who you are and if they don't fuck em.

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