What mistake should have killed you?

The alcohol poisoning I got when I was 15. Not proud of it. Two friends and I skipped class and were drinking vodka. I was on an empty stomach. It was also my first time really drinking and I put back about 1/4 of the bottle myself. This has generally been regarded as a bad idea. One of my friends went back to school at a certain point as had originally been our plan.

I, on the otherhand, passed out in a cemetery. My other friend was scared and panicking, but fortunately had enough wits about him to find help. This was in 2002, he couldn't just whip out his cell phone because none of us had one. I don't know all details because I was passed out, but somehow he found someone who was able to call an ambulance.

When my parents picked me up at the hospital later that day, after having fluids pumped into me by IV, I was still drunk enough that I couldn't stay in a sitting position. I nearly fell out of the wheelchair they wheeled me out to the car in. I was still stumbling badly at 8pm when I had to get up and vomit. We'd started drinking at maybe 10am.

I still don't know how high my BAC was, my parents wouldn't tell me. They thought I would brag about it to my friends, and they were probably right. My teenage years were a little fucked up.

/r/AskReddit Thread