What moment in an argument made you realize “this person is an idiot and there is no winning scenario”?

I see this happen all the time on Twitch streams.

Streamer: Man, that was such a bad movie

Someone in the chatroom: That's an opinion streamer...

Streamer:...yes. Obviously...It's my opinion....

Chatroom: Yeah, but you didn't sign a document in triplicate with documentation from a lawyer stating before hand that your views are expressly your own and not necessarily those of the viewers. That means you're stating it as fact. I'm unsubscribing!

But honestly, I see the facts thing stated from ignorance as well. I won't necessarily call myself an expert on anything, but there are a few topics I'm very well versed on, either because of the field I got my Masters in or just because it's been a personal hobby of mine for years. And I'll see common misconceptions highly upvoted, occasionally be stupid enough to try to say "Well, that's kind of the situation, but here's the wider context," and then be downvoted and told I'm wrong because they copied and pasted some top 10 list they found on the first clickbait site Google gave them.

Sometimes you just have to accept defeat and let people be wrong on the internet though. It's better for your mental health.

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