What moment made you say “Yep, I’m definitely dead”, but survived with no major injuries?

Hey everybody, first comment here.

I recently got back from deployment. Two days in, and I find myself helping colleagues with what's probably an electrical failure grounding one of our planes. Was standing two thirds up a ladder, inside the cargo area, one leg in the wind, torso resting on an equipment rack going across the interior part of the plane.

As I remove a plug, my vision goes black and my ears suddenly start ringing, I feel like there's flashes happening inside my eyes and I can't move. A second passes, I remain conscious but can't figure out what's happening. Then I realize I'm getting shocked and will probably die here electrocuted. All of a sudden my vision comes back, and I fall off the ladder. One of my colleagues standing below sees me falling and prevented me from hitting the floor full force. Apparently my feet hit every step of that ladder, didn't feel it though.

My body urged me to scream, and I did for a second. They had no clue of what happened and thought it was just a fall. I told them, then got up to check myself for injuries. Quick trip to the infirmary, an EKG showing no issues and extensive neurological tests later, the doc tells me that apart from a light bruise on my right foot and the thin patch of skin that ripped off my arm against the rack as I fell, I'm okay.

Came out of this with a 20 cm long scar on my arm and a slight apprehension of ladders but I finished my deployment. Didn't go hard on my colleagues for not isolating the circuit I was working on as they should've. Never told my family about it too.

/r/AskReddit Thread