What was the most blatant attention seeking behaviour you’ve witnessed?

A friend of mine in HS was well endowed. The dude didn’t have anything else going for him so he tried showing it off whenever he could. He would “accidentally” send a dick pic to a girl, and then be like “OMG I’m so sorry I meant to send that to someone else!”. If we went swimming his pants also be too loose and accidentally come off. He would wear tight workout shorts with no underwear and claim it was the only clean clothes he had. After sports practice, he was the first one in the shower and the last one to leave. He did everything he could to make sure everyone knew. He was a pretty gross guy so no girl would touch him. We had a huge party towards the end of our senior year and handled out mock superlatives. The guys came up with the ones for the girls, and the girls came up with the ones for the guys. The girls awarded him “Most likely to have the biggest penis to never be used.” He was pretty hurt by it.

/r/AskReddit Thread