What is the most disturbing thing you saw?

Similar thing happened outside our flats, a random guy known for causing trouble in our town came out of the dark and started harassing two women and and man.

For no reason he started punching the guy, who then ran away since the aggressor was much much bigger.

The women tried to break it up, at this point about 20 people are looking out of the windows, at least 10 are filming. My partner was filming and I was about to go out there as she called the police, at this point both women were on the ground, one out cold and the other having her head stamped on by this guy while she was curled up on the floor.

Anyway the police told us in the phone to stay there and don’t get involved or we would be arrested too. This delayed me enough as it takes a few mins to get downstairs and through our security door so I hesitated because they kept repeating I’d be arrested and to stay put.

They arrived long after he had gone and the women suffered broken ankles and ribs as well as missing teeth and both were treated for concussions.

This is the UK by the way.

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