What is the most fucked up thing someone confided in you about?

I was a bartender for like ten years. One time completely unprompted this guy just goes "I'd fuck a sixteen year old i don't care". So... There's that... One guy used to come in to my bday every Tuesday and just sit in the corner and cry and then we'd go smoke a joint together out front. Both of his parents had Alzheimer's and lived with him and even though he had four brothers and sisters he was the only one caring for them because they were pieces of shit when they were with it but they don't know their assess from their elbows now so he said it's no use staying mad at them. This other guy used to come in and play the same song over and over again And just blue money on pull tabs. Said the song reminded him of his ex who cheated on him. Why would you want to be reminded of that?

/r/AskReddit Thread