What is the most fucked up thing that society accepts as normal ?

"You look a bit plump, you should hit the gym" To which the responses may be: "Hey, I've got Crushing's Disease, Fuck you" "Hey, I'm on antidepressants because I'm trying to get over a sever trauma, fuck you."

Fat shaming is absolutely fucked up because you don't know what's going on in that person's life to make them that way, and acting like you do just makes you seem pretentious at BEST. For all you know, they could be beaten and abused by their S.O. or parents on a regular basis, would saying, "hey, you look a little plump, you should hit the gym," really help? Or would it bring up agonizing memories and reinforce the idea that they as a person are not good enough?

And to your "minor" point, I ABSOLUTELY can deny it. Because that viewpoint, however popular, never has and never will represent the entire population, and you are arguably the last person I want representing me in any fashion. Because what this all brings it back to is you. What you like, and that's it. You don't really care about people ruining their lives nor do you care about their well being. You care about what people look like and if they don't look the way they want the should be ashamed for even existing. Maybe try realizing that you aren't really as important as you think you are. I apologize for being so biting towards the end but god damn you deserve it.

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