What is the most fucked up thing you have seen in real life?

The entirety of the "Crossed" comic books. It's NSFL/NSFW stuff people like you wouldn't believe it. There's a good chance I mentaly screwed myself up and traumatized myself with this stuff.

It was the only thing I brought with me on a no-internet vacation to read and I had to force myself past most of the stuff in there.

I'm going to name some of the things I saw in there. If imagining it is bad, try seeing it in front of your own eyes. Dont read this if you are squemish or normal. Trust me it's pure NSFL stuff.

/////////////////// I warned you: ///////////////////
- Survivors shooting a dozen children.
- Redneck cult where the top dog impregnates all women, including his daughters. Mommy is "crossed" and carrying around her dead son's head to pleasure herself with.
- A dolphin getting screwed in it's blowhole while getting disemboweled.
- A nun pleasuring herself with a shinbone, foot still attached. Her hood stapled to her face.
- Women having their babies cut out their bellies and eaten alive still connected with the umbilical cord.
- A man and woman getting raped while the man's guts are hanging out his ripped belly and their 8yo daughter is chopped into pieces, her half eaten chest displaying a row of ribs.
- A surviving military outpost is besieged. A "crossed" woman throws her baby in the air while a another shoots it, spilling the blood over the soldiers and infecting them.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It's safe to read again after this point. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

/r/AskReddit Thread