What was the most horrific/dark moment you've ever had in your life?

One of my friends from high school went missing summer going into junior year. Everyone thought it was some kind of sick joke at first because him and his friends were always fucking around & doing crazy stuff. They found his body 3 days later. He hung himself. Everyone that knew him loved him so much. it’s crazy how tragedy completely changes people. It’s like we still walk on eggshells 3 years later; he is rarely brought up (except for anniversaries, etc) but when we’re all together it’s on everyone’s minds, it’s like the elephant in the room. A couple of his closest friends blame themselves and have serious drug problems now. His birthday this year was super rough as we’re all in college now and couldn’t cry together. No one fully understands except my friends from HS, it was very upsetting to be apart from them on his birthday. Suicide is never something to be taken lightly. I wish everyone could be a little kinder and less selfish; the world would be a much better place.

/r/AskReddit Thread