What was the most mysterious thing you ever was personally experience?

I've had a bunch of stuff happen. When I was little, we didn't have a lot of money. One time my mom took me to a house party where they sold Princess House crystal. One of things being sold was a tiny silver dove charm, on a really delicate chain. I fell in love with it, and my mom bought it for me. I wore it often. When my older sister (4 years older) was going to be a senior in high school, she asked to borrow my necklace for her senior pictures. Because she always lost or destroyed shit she borrowed from others, I said no. She pitched a fit, but I basically told her to fuck off. Well, she snuck in my room that night, and stole the necklace. The next day after she got her pictures done, she and her boyfriend went to a local reservoir to swim and hang out for the day. Then they cruised around, got something to eat, had sex in his car, and then he dropped her off at home. When she was getting undressed for bed, she realized that the necklace was no longer around her neck. The next morning she confessed what she did. I completely lost it, and demanded that she and her boyfriend go back to every place they went to and search for the necklace, along with searching his car, etc. They did, but never found it. I refused to forgive her for it.

Fast forward several years later. I was 22, and living in an apartment. I worked a couple of jobs, and one day when I was home between jobs, I decided to vacuum. As I was vacuuming the living room, something got sucked up in the vacuum brush. I turned it off, flipped it over, and removed the brush to get whatever it was out. It was the necklace, with a now broken chain. I have no explanation for how it got there. The vacuum was new, I had bought it the year prior. I had no furniture from the time the necklace was lost. My sister had never been inside my apartment, so she couldn't have placed it there. And, it was sucked up in the middle of the carpet. The apartment had been recarpeted and painted right before I moved into it. I've tried to find an explanable, logical reason for the necklace to reappear like that, but I've never been able to. Also, the little dove charm got a ding on its wing, I assume from the vacuum. But the next morning, the ding was gone, and it was perfect again, though the chain was still broken.

I now have the dove charm on a charm bracelet. I still have no explanation for how this all happened.

/r/UnresolvedMysteries Thread