What is the most terrifying photo on the Internet that will scare me shitless?

I live in South Africa and recently met a 20 year old guy with the British army. He tells me he's been with the army since he was 15. Left school and all that. I believe he told me he's been on a deployment as well. He lost 5 of his very close friends. I didn't keep pressing him for details about his deployment but could clearly see it was very hard for him.

I was in a local bar and this british army guy ask me if I knew where to get some cocaine. I'm not a frequent user of cocaine and drugs at all, yet I do know some dudes who can get good quality drugs. Usually from the Nigerians living in the suburbs.. Yes , in my town some Nigerians literally live in houses in the suburbs. But you wouldn't know it unless you specifically seek them out.

We head over to meet the dealer and already he's asking for three 2gram bags. We get the shit, and since I'm his lift and all he offers me and my one friend some. I mean you're not gonna say no to free coke. The night progresses and he just wants more and more. I happily oblige, though in hindsight I shouldn't have enabled it any further. But you know, it's cocaine..

Eventually the sun comes up and we go chill by the beach with 2 other guys, just playing music and talking shit. Only then he starts talking to me about his deployment and such and I realised that he's mostly using it as an escape. The only time his mind can be free of the horrors he experienced. We had a great time, dropped him off the next town over and went home. Was a very good night all in all, hope he's doing better now.

TL;DR : chilling at a bar,meet young british army soldier, get all coked up, have a great night, realise this is all an escape for him, did more coke, parted our ways..

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