What non-sexual scenario do you fantasise about constantly?

Winning enough money to temporarily retire. Sell/donate everything I have other than my laptop. Pay off every single cent of debt. Move to my state of choice. Pick out a nice condo or townhouse and walk into a furniture store, a Best Buy, a Target, and a kohl’s (or similar) and start 100% completely over with only what I need..no excess. Then I would take my free time and freedom from burdens and properly pursue my photography without the need to make money or the burden to achieve success quickly. I can buy the gear I want not just what I can afford. I’d have about 5 bills tops and can pay them from the bank til photography takes off. Then my wife can go back to school if she wants or pursue the job she wants without the burden of having to make a certain wage. Then I would take the lessons I’ve learned the past 10 years and live a cleaner, simpler less short sighted life. People always talk about the cars, houses and trips they’d buy from winning a lottery. I’d buy freedom and a second chance.

/r/AskReddit Thread