What normal thing took you an embarrassingly long time to learn how to do?

I've literally forgotten how to swallow food.

It's because of an irrational fear of choking. I have body focussed OCD. Which is a form of OCD that focuses on normal bodily functions. Like breathing.

People with this obsession will freak about not being able to breathe. Which causes them to concentrate on their breaths, making them irregular and feel unnatural. Then they start to breathe faster because it doesn't feel right. Now they have too much oxygen. So they hyperventilate. Which makes them feel like they cant breathe. So it's like a vicious cycle that just makes the fear Seem logical.

Mine is with choking as I said. It was really bad at one point, everytime I went to swallow my throats would involuntarily tighten. Causing me to choke. Which would in turn add fuel to the fire.

The only way I could eat was chewing things until they liquified. And let me tell you. Liquified meat is not enjoyable.

That's passed. I can eat, it just takes me a really long time. I can't swallow large amounts of food. Or even normal amounts. Just tiny bits. I would say I literally don't know how to swallow. I don't know how to make my body do it. And it's no longer a natural action for me.

I don't know how to stop it, or if it'll ever stop on its own.

/r/AskReddit Thread