What is one gaming rule that applies to every video game?

I was still able to play it decently well running at something and pressing Attack/Roll endlessly as fast as possible.

Attacking without thought in High-Rank and G-Rank is a big no-no. I have fainted a lot because I thought I could get away with an extra attack, or attacked in the wrong position or at the wrong time.

In Dark Souls, you'd never make it past the first boss with that style.

Early Monster Hunter is a joke compared to Dark Souls I'll give you that. The difficulty comparison is made when comparing the later game of MH (140 Guild Quests, G-Rank, maybe High-Rank) to the entirety of DS. Higher ranks give monsters more HP, higher attack, different moves, and make them more aggressive.

The regular weak enemies in Dark Souls, could be Legendary Boss Creatures in MH (as far as learning how to beat them, and your personal curve in mastering those mechanics).

Disagree here. Trash mobs in DS are harder than Low-Rank stuff, and most High-Rank stuff. I don't think there is a higher learning curve in mastering the fights against the trash mobs over any MH boss. Trash mobs are also a big part of what makes Dark Souls what it is.

You're probably going to die a lot more in DS compared to MH because you get punished way harder when you fuck up. In MH its more an endurance test of not fucking it up, well at least solo.

I would like to add that both games have high skillcaps. I have seen a party of 4 die to a Low-Rank Great Jaggi. Compare that to G-Rank Heroic Speed-Runs. For DS there are SL1 runs.

You can take everything I said with a grain of salt when talking about DS. I don't have even close to the same amount of experience in DS that I do in MH.

Also I'm curious, how much progress did you make in MH3?

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