What is one skill everyone should have by 18?

Ugh, so many..

I'll admit this, I can't cook for McFuck. I couldn't bake a cake on my nipples, but by God I can do other things:

  • Basic vehicle maintenance that is oil change, tire change, fluid checking, correct fluids to put in, air filter change, and other basic things.

  • Wash clothes and dry clothes without ruining them.

  • Basic around-the-house repairs. Changing a light fixture without shocking your tits, replacing bulbs, new sockets, toilet fixes because the flaps sometimes break (don't wanna have a nasty pooper stooper in your toilet when your girly bone is at your house)

  • Balance checkbooks and learn to manage moolah by not blowing it on tits.

  • How to use a computer, honestly so many people don't know how to properly utilize the interboob puter it's crazy. Don't click random doodles to satisfy your noodle because you'll get a virus or have to call your grandson to fix it.

  • How to be prepared in your environment (i.e. if you live in a tornado prone area, be prepared for the sky noodle if it happens and when it happens.)

/r/AskReddit Thread