What was one time that you had a 99.9% chance of getting laid, but royally screwed it up?

She suggested to come over to discuss work (similar field). I took it as actual work talk and pretended I was too busy. She later asked me if I was playing hard to get or just oblivious to her flirting - guess which one it was.

Another girl came by my place at random once and invited me to some exhibition. We went for drinks after. Later on while walking she mentioned she felt like watching a movie. I asked her which kind of movies she likes, and sent her on her way.

I went out to eat with another girl (coincidentally on February 14th). After dinner she came back to mine for drinks. We kicked back, listened to some music, talked etc. She hung out till 3 AM (on a Sunday), and she casually mentioned she was happy she didn't need to get up too early. At no point did I make any advances.

Same story as the one above but with another girl who came over for dinner and suggested we watch a movie - it was around midnight at that point. We watched the movie, she fell asleep and went home after.

Another girl was getting rather close for some time and asked me to teach her guitar at some point. She hung out all night and I taught her until 2 am - rock n roll like that. When I went into my bedroom to put on my shoes to show her out, she followed me in and sat on my bed. The story ends here unfortunately.

A girl who crushed on me in high school with whom I kept in touch over the years invited me over while I was in the country for a week, after a year long travel. We netflixed. At one point she mentioned how funny that one time was when she came over to mine during high school and my dad suddenly came home early from work. I laughed and said that was indeed funny. We then netflixed some more.

Not sure if all of these are get-laid scenarios, but at the very least I reckon I could have gotten a make out sesh out of it.

/r/AskReddit Thread