What part of your Personality do you Fake?

i try to never fake my reactions to stuff. if something pleases me intuitively, i'll show it, if not, I won't. if i'm not feeling well you can instantly tell from my face, i've been told at least. of course, to maintain an identity you have to force yourself to act a certain way within social situations, but i don't actively fake reactions or make stuff up to appear better than i really am. at least, to a certain extent. i can get carried along in certain situations, or when i feel i'm more anonymous/part of a group. but that's just human nature, and afterwards i usually feel awkward about it. honestly typing it out like this seems like i have it together, but i don't, at all. 90% of the time i'm just an anxious chaotic mess, just like a lot of other people i imagine. such small font, much humble, wow.

/r/AskReddit Thread