What do people do after graduating college?

It's tough to accept you got a degree that simply isn't in demand. Unfortunately, college is big business and the way they market programs is designed to convince you that as soon as you graduate with your Art History and Women's Studies dual major with a minor in Horticulture and Basket Weaving that high-dollar startups will be lining the streets of your graduation throwing $100,000 job offers at you like a NY stock exchange pit. The best thing to do is accept the necessity of starting at the bottom of the totem pole, but pick a totem pole with a nice view at the top. If you start at the ground level and work hard and apply yourself, eventually you will come up for promotion by your own merits. And at that point the deciding factor frequently comes down to "we have 3 candidates with similar job performance. Which candidate is the most educated?" And even though your degree may be unrelated to where you end up, at the end of the day it's still a degree, and having one will always be an advantage over an otherwise equal colleague without one. So don't rely on it, and eventually you will benefit from it. In the meantime, just do your best, work hard, and try not to let it give you a chip on your shoulder.

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