What do people often underestimate?

I am going through this exact thing right now. I'm the one in the relationship who's been manipulated for 7 years. We were highschool sweet hearts, I didnt have any close friends through out high school and for the past 5 years. I lost my virginity and had a baby with him. He always came off as a super smart, responsible truth full guy. I married him March of last year. The day after we got married he slowly started to show his true colors. Drinking more and more not listening to me or his biological family.

Fast forward to today, He's in jail for a bad DUI while I'm living with my in-laws who don't speak the same language as me, working two full time jobs and taking care of our 1.5 year old.

I know I'm being manipulated, I know he lies compulsively, but there's a huge part of my mind that won't let go because (other than having a baby with him) he lied to me about the stupidest shit and told me everything I wanted to hear, begged and cried when I tried to leave him so I don't really know whats real anymore. I dont believe half the shit anyone says to me anymore because of it. And I think the fact that hes threatened suicide is also whats stopping me. It would break me to know that he killed himself because I left..

I'm going to a councilor Tuesday to help me deal with this. I used to be so sure of myself, now I don't even know who I am. People always tell me how emotionally strong I seem, but in reality I've put my emotions in a box. I know he manipulates me, I just feel stuck and it feels like no one understands. "Just Leave" is easier said than done when you dont have a car in your name, a place to go, your broke from paying out the ass for his jail fines (because when your married what's yours is mine) and you have a child to take care of...

Everyday I wish I could look into my future, when I'm in my 30s (currently 22) to hopefully see me and my daughter living a better life.

TL;DR People know when they're being manipulated in a relationship,most are in denial. There's usually a bigger reason why we can't just get up and leave.. No one else is going to want to put up with me farting in my sleep.

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