What is the personality of the person you are dating?

I meant to say that I struggled with any girl in general.

But I assume you know.

She's a friend whom I see once or maybe twice a week. I think that she is extroverted and witty (ENTJ? I'm new to this).

I started liking because she used to say bye to me when she passes by or say hi "my name" loudly (around her friends). I hate to state that I'm an attractive guy over the internet, but I've grown up hearing it a lot and learned to realize it. Girls would look at me but shy away from me, but I like her because seems confident toward me (I don't talk much and she doesn't talk to many guys).

Back then, when she would speak her mind to the group in the room, I would look at her and then she would look and talk at me for the rest of her statement. I was not good at eye contact back then, but I liked her eye contact and I starting learning to hold eye contact better with other people because of her. I often laughed her humor, not many others laugh at her humor.

I thought she was interested when she paid close attention to what I say (I have a quiet plus deep voice), looks at me whenever the group laughed, and even sometimes laughed at what I say/do.


Now she doesn't start conversations as much anymore. But when I start conversations with her, she opens up and has a lot to say but doesn't really ask me questions anymore. When we're alone she doesn't say much and looks around a lot, I just awkwardly try to ask her questions.

I don't know whether she is interested and has become more shy or quiet towards me or only sees me as a friend. I really thought there was going to be chemistry.

TL;DR -- I wrote too much, I'm 17.

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