What 'phase' did you go through that makes you cringe?

im so late that no one will read this, but I went through the "oh shit, im not completely ugly phase"

Elementary school I was a nerd. Most of Jr. High I was a nerd (and was a theater tech nerd to top it off). Me and my friends would skateboard and bike all summer, then snowboard all winter. But at school we all joined the theater tech crew because they got to use technology and rills.

Then between 9th and 10th grade I grew into my awkward features and filled out. However I didnt really realize that had happened.

All of a sudden I came to school in 10th grade and it was like a fucking episode of "Extreme Home Makeover". Every girl in school wanted to talk to me. So my exterior had become attractive but my inner nerd didn't pick up on ANY of the signals girls were throwing at me. No joke. Regularly I had 10+ girls asking if i could tutor them in math, so I did exactly that. They'd invite me over, dress in very little clothing, id ignore that and then explain how Calculus works and go home (wtf).

In Theater the female leads wanted me to 'adjust lighting and sound' to make things look the best for them... but oddly they were always up in my tech booth and not on stage. so id send them back on stage so i could properly configure the lights and sound, then head home not picking up on the hint. (again, wtf)

I look back and think on all of the SUPER cringe-worthy interactions that I took part in. Somewhat related, I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, i was just a stupid nerd who didnt figure shit out until his early/mid 20s.

/r/AskReddit Thread