What phrase instantly convinces you that the speaker is stupid?

Okay, this definitely inspired me. So I wrote a short story. It's probably bad, but I might as well post it.

“Somebody help!”
Justin turned his head as he heard the sound of somebody yelling.  The crowd around him continued in its steady flow, either unable to hear the cry for help, or unable to bring themselves to care.  It didn’t matter either way, Justin turned and began to walk in the direction it had come from, pushing past irritated pedestrians who had previously been walking behind him.
“Please, don’t hurt me!”
Again, he heard the voice.  It was faint, but it seemed to be coming from a nearby alley.  Once again nobody else responded to the call or even seemed to notice it.  Come to think of it, it had been quieter than anything Justin had ever heard before, but somehow he had still noticed it anyway.  Perhaps this was one of the new powers that Justin had obtained that had only just manifested itself.  If so, it would certainly be useful to help prevent crime.
Once he turned into the alley he saw a woman lying on the ground.  Next to her was a large grey goat with its horns lowered to point at her, its teeth bared in either a grin or a threat, it was hard to tell since it was a goat.  The woman’s purse was lying on the ground, and the goat seemed to be unsuccessfully attempting to pick it up using its hooves.
“Stop right there you fiend!” Justin shouted, still unsure what the proper phrase to use when apprehending a villain was, but sure that he needed something.
The goat lifted its head and gazed at him with cold, black eyes.  “Who dares challenge me?”
“I am Justin Thyme, champion of justice and savior of the helpless!  I will not allow you to harm this poor defenseless woman.”
“I could care less what you allow.” The goat responded.
“Wait, you could care less?  Don’t you mean-“ Justin began.
“No I meant what I said.”  The goat cut him off, “I don’t care very much about what you allow, but I still care a little bit because it means that you’re going to get in my way.  I find that mildly annoying.  Therefore I could, in fact, care less than I do now.  Now get out of my way.”
“I can’t do that.  When I accepted these powers, I swore to fight against evil and injustice whenever and wherever I saw it.  And that is what I see right now.  It would be a disgrace to the old man who gave me these powers, Truman Tor, if I let you get away with this.”
“Very well, try and stop me.”  The goat said, slightly incorrectly.  Although they were technically both “evil”.  He and Grammar Hitler had never gotten along very well, so the goat had made a habit of deliberately altering his speech in order to interfere with the plans of the Grammar Nazis.
The goat lowered his head and charged at Justin.  It moved faster than an ordinary goat should, but as soon as Justin recognized the danger, everything seemed to go into slow motion.  He leapt up into the air, higher than an ordinary human should, and then brought his foot down onto its neck as it moved underneath.  Time seemed to resume its normal pace, and he heard a loud crack.  The goat lost its footing and sprawled on the ground, but Justin also stumbled after landing on the goat, and he fell as well.  He slowly got up, feeling a sharp pain in his ankle, but nonetheless stood, putting most of his weight on the other foot.  The goat also got up.  It seems a single kick to the neck wasn’t enough to break it.  Justin had no idea if that would kill or a regular goat or not, but the question was moot, since this wasn’t an ordinary goat anyway.  It could talk.  Justin just now realized that that wasn’t normal.  This hero business had gotten him used to some pretty weird things.
“What kind of goat are you?  Why do you even want someone’s purse in the first place?”
“It looked delicious,” the goat admitted, panting for breath and seemingly in pain, “And I’m not just any ordinary goat.  I am Escape Goat!”
And with those words, the goat began to glow with a faint green light, and its body became partially transparent.  Then it turned and ran right at the wall of the alley.  It ran right into the wall and passed through it as if the wall wasn’t even there.
“Hey wait!”  Justin yelled, but the goat was already gone.  Well, at least he had saved the woman.  He went to her and helped her to her feet.
“Are you alright?”  He asked.
“I-  I think I’ll be okay.”  She stuttered, clearly still shaken up.  She stumbled a bit and Justin saw a trickle of blood running down her arm.
“You’re bleeding.  We need to get you looked at.”  Justin said.
“I don’t think I can afford a hospital.”  She said.
“Well, I know someone who works at a church.  She’s good at healing people.  Why don’t we go there?  I’d like her to look at my ankle to.”  He said, wincing as he tried to walk on it.

Meanwhile, the Escape Goat ran in a straight line, ignoring walls, cars, people, everything, as it passed right through them. Its neck screamed in pain, and he was sure that something had broken. It was a miracle that he hadn’t been killed or paralyzed by that blow. That man had moved faster and kicked harder than any human had a right to. The goat needed medical attention. Luckily, he had an ally who was particularly skilled at healing people. By day she was a human who worked at a church as a healer, but at night her curse awakened and she transformed into his good friend and fellow destroyer of good; the Altar Eagle. She would heal him, and then he would have his revenge.

Sometime later, an article in the daily newspaper was written concerning a mugging that had taken place in an alley.  The article also contained an interview with the chief of police about the mugging.  When asked if there were any suspects, the chief replied,
“We don’t know all of the facts yet, but we’re looking for Escape Goat.”
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