What popular TV shows bored the shit out of you?

Clara is definitely the most fucked up companion in the series, purely because of the way Moffat treated her. Apparently he never learned basic writing because she is a textbook fucking Mary Sue, not in every department, but definitely in some. I goddamn despise the Series 9 finale for the reasons you detailed. It seems like Moffat constantly feels the need to outdo himself with bigger and more fantastical finales and events, as if we're not going to be interested otherwise. The the universe wasn't going to end in the last 20 minutes of The End Of Time but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't some of the most gutwrenching and nailbiting television I've ever watched.

I'd really really really like to pretend that everything to do with Clara after Face the Raven just didn't happen. She died in a meaningless and cruel way that accomplished nothing. Nobody won in that episode. It was absolutely perfect. And then in true Moffat style he goes and fucks it all up, brings her back, breaks the rules of time just cause and makes her immortal on a technicality. Just... no.

That said, Clara is so so much better in Series 9 than 8. The appeal for me lies in the fact that she is trying to be the Doctor. Danny is dead and she has abandoned her normal life to go on adventures with the Doctor, increasingly dangerous ones, risking her life constantly. She isn't really a likeable or relatable characters, even if Moffat tries to frame it like that, but I still think Face the Raven is the perfect ending to her arc. For once, for once, a major Moffat-era character did stupid shit and paid for it. Her lifestyle caught up with her. I just want to pretend that was the end of it.

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