What do you regret finding out?

The burden of proof always lies in the person making a claim. Stating that God exists despite no evidence is a claim. Stating that God does not exist because there is no evidence is not making a claim. That's just point out the default state of existence; by default, nothing can be assumed to exist until proof is found that it does.

That said, religion is very important; not because of an invisible man, but because it serves a number of human social and psychological needs that have been curated over thousands of years. Removing religion from society without a functional replacement that works for the masses (the masses don't read philosophy books), is dangerous and destined for more societal problems like an even further diminished regard for human life.

Religion is also important because it is like political glue. There is one particular religion that has a subset of followers who know this very well and use their religion as a functional political tool to subvert the western world to further their own agenda. These people are extremely morally misguided and selfish, and promoting atheism for the masses only makes their subversive efforts that much easier as they divide and conquer the many.

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