what do you remember about kindergarten?

My teacher had really long hair. Down to her hips. I assumed she was a princess that was just benevolent and liked helping kids, because princesses had hair like that. I can still remember where my cubby was, it was 2nd from the top, close to the front door. A boy in my class ate paste once and I thought it was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen. I thought a little girl named Amy was strange for saying "yeyow" instead of "yellow"..I'd never heard a speech impediment before. One time we had art and my princess/teacher taught us how to draw a squirrel but she made the tail look like an S with a bunch of lines coming out of it and I thought that was a pretty terrrible way to to draw a squirrel tail. I embarrassed myself by telling the whole class my favorite food was shrimp, when we were learning about the 4 food groups, I made the SHHH sound too long and figured everyone was judging me. I also figured that was probably a weird food to have as a favorite and people wouldn't like me anymore. We had our own playground and a little shed with tricycles and such to ride and you had to be really quick to get one before anyone else. One time me and these two girls decided we were going to leave the school during recess and went behind the playhouse and joined hands to pray for protection. The girl thanked God for a few things and then randomly said "and for tomatoes". We got scared and didn't ditch.

TL;DR: I remember a shit ton from kindergarten.

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