What roommate stories do you have that still haunts you?

My freshman year of college I lived in a split double in college -- there was a wall between our beds, the only open space was entrance to the door to enter/leave the room.

When we moved in, our RAs had to produce these 'roommate contracts,' we decided the details, and you're supposed to follow them. Most people threw it out, but my roommate taped it to the door for us to follow.

Visitors had to be out of the room by 8pm on weekdays, 10pm on weekends. No pregames, no boys, nothing. Sigh.. I thought.. It was my freshman year of college and I just got out of a relationship from high school. I wanted to get jiggy with it but whatever.

She used to complain when I'd have my desklamp on. It wasn't the light for the whole room, it was just on my side. Some light went to her side, but barely, and it didn't hit her bed. She cried. I turned off the fucking lamp and went to study elsewhere.

I was always really accomodating and I insisted that she let me know if I did anything that bothered her - it was both of our first times sharing a living space and I didn't want it to be hostile. We often did bring up situations. When her boyfriend came to visit, I always volunteered to sleep elsewhere. I understand, do your thing.

THEN - one night my friend at the time (I ended up dating him for two years after) was sex-ild out of his room and needed a place to sleep. I was under the impression she was home that weekend.. I hadn't seen her all weekend.. So I tell my friend to sleep with me. We didn't have sex, we didn't hook up, he didn't even spoon me, our backs were to each other. He did snore, and then I heard her.. On the otherside of the room.. Crying. Wtf.

/r/AskReddit Thread