What’s the best way to become a more positive person?

I don't know about tue "best way" but I cam share something that has helped me with my own mental wellbeing and general outlook on life. Spend at least 5 minutes, twice a day just sitting outside. Everyone has at least 10 minutes to do this every day and it takes very little energy. You don't need to do anything. Just sit and be acutely mindful of everything going on around you. Practice mindfulness of the senses: what do you hear, see, smell, feel, and taste. What is changing around you? What stays the same? Try to approach everything you sense with an attitude of wonder or curiosity. I've found it incredibly humbling in a relieving sort of way to realize just how much is going on in the universe beyond all the worries and humdrum of what we usually pay attention to in our tiny little lives.

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