What’s the closest thing to real magic?

I think you may be underestimating technological growth, a lot is happening behind the scenes that aren’t making it to mainstream. I recently read a paper related to implementing GANs on quantum computers. There will be other ML techniques that are of interest for QC implementations. This type of stuff typically doesn’t make it to mainstream audiences

AI is continually increasing in advancements. Deep fakes (which also uses GANs) has been known about for a while but recently made news on CNN homepage. AI even if not AGI or ASI is ushering in a wave of technological advancement that is fundamentally changing society & consequences of unemployment of various jobs due to this progression.

Deepmind already beat the worlds best players in Go and is now aiming to do the same in Starcraft. They are one of the companies really trying to push AI to the limits. Quantum crypto is something China is very interested in along with AI. It’s almost like an arms race between China and the West at this point.

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