What’s the dumbest way you’ve ever gotten high?

years ago i was filling old blue honey into a not suspicious looking glass container. it is very sticky and difficult to get off of any surface. i managed to get everything in there with a table spoon without any spills. i had half a spoonfull left over that did not fit in there. i closed the glass container, licked off the spoon and stashed everything away. a quick thought struck me, well that licking of part might not have been smart, but on the other hand this honey is so old it probably isnt that potent anymore and besides it wasnt that much anyways. half an hour or so in i experienced that light nausea feeling.. well i thought, that is neat that i am witnessing a placebo effect, because it could not be that i was that stupid to get high of that unplanned spoon licking incident earlier. needless to say that i quickly discovered that i was wrong.the clock was ticking, there was not much time left before things would get freaky. after a brief emergency assessment of my situation i canceled my apointment that i had with my landlord by phone and went straight for the nearest forest for a long walk.

/r/AskReddit Thread